

Our whistleblower policy was published to ensure that any concerns raised regarding misconduct or an improper state of affairs or circumstances in relation to our business are dealt with effectively, securely, and appropriately.


We are committed to ensuring that any person who makes a disclosure is treated fairly and may do so without fear of victimization or reprisal, that confidentiality is preserved in respect to all matters raised under this policy, and that, where relevant and necessary, the anonymity of such individuals who make a disclosure is safeguarded.


You can also contact directly:

  • Ethics Officer - Yossi Atias > to report an incident of improper business conduct.
  •  Human Resources Manager -  Anat Halimi > to report an incident of discrimination and/or harassment or human rights violation.


Warning : making any deliberately false or malicious allegations is a serious disciplinary offence, and also a civil or criminal offense. which may result in disciplinary or legal action against you.


The aim of this form is to facilitate whistle-blower reporting as per the principles laid out in the Whistle Blowing Policy. We encourage the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, corrupt, fraudulent, or undesirable conduct involving our business.